For Many have eyes,

 but they cannot see.

About We WHO SEE

Discover We Who See: The creative sanctuary designed to open the eyes of many. Our insight and foresight within the creative industry are here to unleash vision, artistry, and brand visibility for businesses, brands, and creators.

What we Do

Architected by Penelope Elias, We Who See is a Social Media Marketing & Content Creation Firm designed to help brands, businesses, and influencers to align, rebrand, and create unique concepts and strategies for their social media platforms.

For many, the execution and creative process can be daunting. Here at We Who See, we pride ourselves in having unworldly vision.

We are here to make navigating the ever changing social landscape easier in order to scale and root your business endeavors.

Our Values

At the heart of our vision lie our unwavering core values, which serve as guiding principles for every endeavor we undertake. These values define who we are as an organization, shaping our actions, decisions, and interactions with the world around us. As we forge ahead on our path to greatness, we proudly uphold the following core values:


Vision is a fundamental value that shapes and guides every facet of our firm. As visionaries we pride ourselves in having unworldly vision that is innovative, creative, and impactful.

Our vision grants us the ability to take uncommon concepts and ideas into clear and concise projects that guides, shapes, inspires, and mobilizes businesses to cultivate brand identity and sustainable growth.


Wisdom is a fundamental value that guides us to make informed and thoughtful decisions, drawing on accumulated knowledge, insight, foresight, and discernment.

For us, wisdom goes far beyond the application of data and intelligence. Rather, it is applying insight, foresight, and knowledge in a holistic  manner; taking into account the broader context and long-term consequences of actions through decision-making, problem-solving, and creativity.


Creativity is the driving force and catalyst at WWS. It allows us to unlock the full potential of brands & businesses.

Rooted in imaginative thinking and innovation, we foster  curiosity, experimentation, freedom to explore unconventional paths, open-mindedness, risk-taking, embracing to failure, and adaptability. 


Here at WWS we lead with conviction. We prioritize honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior as it pertains to every facet of our business. We are committed to doing what's right even when it's difficult. Our steadfast dedication to upholding our core values, regardless of the circumstances, allow us to be honest and trustworthy. 


Drive is at the center of WWS. We are a group of ambitious self starters that are determined to take your media to the next level. We are rooted in being proactive, persistent, and motivated. Our mission is to convert your media into high ROIs.


Our vision is to align brands and businesses to the mission and vision of their company. We take our creative insight and foresight and apply it to the brand's needs. We consistently take inventory and analysis with everything we do to ensure consistent brand representation and aesthetics.